Breathing clean air is so important, yet it is something that most of us don’t really think about. What we don’t realise is that there are thousands of micro particles floating around the air in our home that could be potentially harmful to our health. Things like pollen, pet fur and even dust can be found in the air and can affect breathing drastically, particularly for those with pre-existing medical conditions.
Fortunately, there are a number of appliances that you can add to your home in order to maximise the cleanliness of the air that you breathe. One question that many people have researched is whether or not it is effective to run both an air purifier and a humidifier in the same room. In order to answer this question, let’s first take a look at the benefits that each type of unit offers.
During the summer months when the air conditioner is running and the winter months when the heating is run you may notice that the air feels quite dry. This can cause an array of physical symptoms, especially for those with pre-existing breathing conditions.
One of the ways in which you can combat this is to have a humidifier in your home. There are a number of types of humidifiers available, but the most common type that you will find is the fan humidifier. These units work by expelling air through a moist filter, thus bringing extra moisture into the air. Here are some of the ways in which you can benefit from having a humidifier.
The air that we breathe, even in the home, is full of millions of micro particles that can affect us in a number of ways. Pollutants such as pollen, dust and even pet fur can constantly circulate in the air, causing allergies and breathing conditions.
An air purifier works by trapping particles in the air through filters. There are several types of filter including HEPA, activated carbon and the pre-filter. These all work by absorbing particles in the air, making the air that you breathe cleaner. Here are a few of the benefits.
Because the air purifier and the humidifier have different purposes, it can be difficult to tell if you would be able to benefit from using both of them at the same time. If you suffer from breathing conditions, allergies, or skin conditions, then you can certainly benefit from using both at the same time. The air purifier will remove any potential allergens and the humidifier will add some extra moisture to the air.
There are actually some combo units available online for those who want to benefit from both the air purifier and the humidifier. So yes, you can absolutely use both units in the same room and benefit from them.
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